Jay Nagle

performer / storyteller / educator

Slammer promo

Slammer made its debut with a staged workshop production in October of 1996 at Totally New Theatre in Evansville Indiana followed by Productions in 1997 and 1998. After TNT relocating to Indianapolis in 1999 where TNT recreated it’s theater productions at Garfield Park, once again presenting original musicals. In 2000 SLAMMER THE PRISON GIRL MUSICAL was entered in a contest through ComedySportz Indianapolis and won first place. The prize was to present SLAMMER the musical for three weekends at ComedySportz Indianapolis National theater. The show took off like gangbusters and was presented for the next ten months on Sunday and Monday evenings to sold-out crowds.

Once again in 2002 TNT was on the move and the company moved to Chicago, Illinois. Within six months arriving ComedySportz Chicago contacted myself and Dwayne Parks( co-creator) and wanted to know if we would be interested in mounting SLAMMER  the musical at ComedySportz Chicago ( Formerly the Steppenwolf Theater). We agreed and put out an audition notice and a wonderful thing happened! Several of the amazing cast members, who left audience members in stitches in the Indianapolis production, loved SLAMMER so much they traveled to Chicago for Sunday and Monday night performances. Along with new cast members from Chicago, they created performances to sold-out crowds and the Uproarious laughter continued . The show ran for almost a year. 

And I’m very excited to bring this hysterical musical to the screen.

We plan to start out with a trailer introducing all the characters in a music video/documentary style of filming. Next, the musical numbers from the show will be filmed as a concept music video. Then finally the full-length film version of Slammer The Prison Girl Movie Musical will be released. The cast primarily is men playing women. We plan to enter videos in LGBTQ film Festivals and contests.

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